The Seattle Aquarium is a conservation organization working to regenerate the health of Earth’s one ocean.
The Aquarium works among global leaders to advance animal wellbeing, marine and ecosystem science, public policy, field conservation, education and species recovery programs that benefit the ocean. Our mission—Inspiring Conservation of Our Marine Environment—is reflected in all we do. Support from our community, members, staff and volunteers makes our work possible.
Who we are
Global conservation leader
Conservation is the Aquarium’s focus, organizing principle and key function.
Champion for local waters and communities
The Aquarium works with partners and in the community to protect and restore the health of the Salish Sea and Washington waters.
Anchor for the new Seattle waterfront
The Aquarium is a central feature on Seattle’s revitalized waterfront and a contributor to a vibrant downtown.
Steward of and advocate for marine life
The Aquarium provides expert care to thousands of animals and plants, and we advocate for policies that help wild populations thrive.
Community impact
We strive to bring families and the community together in awe and understanding of the ocean and its importance to life on Earth.
Conservation action
Our goal is for every Aquarium visitor to come away with new knowledge about ocean life and what can be done to help restore the ocean’s health.
Sustainable to regenerative operations
Over the past two decades, the Aquarium has taken action to create a positive impact on our planet and be a leader in sustainable practices. We have a bold vision—to produce more environmental benefits than harm to help ensure a climate-resilient, sustainable future for all—in other words, to become a regenerative aquarium.
Our history
The Seattle Aquarium opened in 1977. The Aquarium was owned and operated by the City of Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation until 2010, when the nonprofit Seattle Aquarium Society assumed its management under a long-term operating agreement with the City.
Today, the Seattle Aquarium is the ninth largest aquarium in the U.S. by attendance. Since our opening, we’ve hosted over 28 million visitors and provided marine conservation education to over two million school children. We’re proud to be accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). We were last accredited by the AZA in March 2024 for another five years. We are also a proud member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
Our future
With our newly expanded campus, the Aquarium will continue to inspire connection to Earth's one ocean.
The Ocean Pavilion, which opened on August 29, 2024, is a living classroom that reflects the exquisite biodiversity of reef ecosystems. This new building allows us to expand our reach and help our growing number of visitors understand the connection between all waters, from the Salish Sea to the Coral Triangle and beyond.
As we approach our 50th anniversary in 2027, we strive toward becoming a regenerative aquarium, one that helps restore what has been lost or damaged so that all living beings can thrive. We will move forward in our species recovery initiatives, working to protect animals like Indo-Pacific leopard sharks and xʷč’iłqs (pinto abalone) from extinction.
Above all, we will continue our work as an institution that connects others to the ways we can help protect this beautiful blue planet which we all rely on.